Twenty years of building a design business has provided lots of reference on what clients want. I have had the benefit of responding to clients in support of their aspirations to get the message out to their constituents and audiences. Today of course, clients have a variety of options available that in the early days of building a design organization was simply not an option.
The plethora of online strategies, products and applications has expanded the design menu as well the opportunites for clients to extend their mark out in innovative and different ways.
I will reflect on the opportunities I have had to meet client needs over this period. Touch on some of the success that has resulted from client relationships. Share my experience in the competitive world of building a marketing company. This seems to me a proper thing to do given my twenty years of great times and challenging times bringing the design business to its present state.
The backstory to this script will be my experience as a founder and builder of a thirty-person marketing and design business. This context gives me a platform to share with anyone interested related information to this fascinating trade and vocation. If you are passionate about design then I hope this textual stream will give some persepective on the ups and downs of what one person has experienced. The back story of course allows me some liberty to share with you examples and first hand situations.
My specific focus will be in design and design management, brand building, campaign execution, creative's managment and team building, staffing creatives, and other related stories all against the backdrop of my twenty years of success running a vital and leading marketing company.