Friday, May 28, 2010

Acres of Diamonds

Someone I’ve not met in person who resides in the United States is the subject of this post. The individual's name is Joseph Skursky and I was fortunate to come into contact with Joseph using the popular social utility LinkedIN. 
Joseph through his networking has made connections in my part of the world here in Ottawa Canada. I’m not clear how the initial link I made with him started but that resulted in Joseph becoming part of my network. I'm fortunate however circumstances made that happen. Subsequently we got into a telephone conversation about his business associates. Associates specifically located in the city where I happen to be operating my organization.
My thought process goes as follows.
  1. Geographic location is not a barrier today when forming your network. (This is fairly obvious but when people like Joseph call you up you appreciate the potential today for working at a distance ) 
  2. I admit my skepticism puts a great deal of repellent effort toward those who we have limited background on or who may be calling in without having some prior knowledge of what they're offering or other references.
  3. The profile about Joseph was quite impressive including his extensive connections.
  4. My curiosity drove me to take his call and determine what potential opportunities may unfold.
Joseph introduced me to people in Ottawa who are now playing a central role in what is expansion in the broadcast and digitization media space. His tactful counsel and introduction to some very insightful experts has opened opportunity to my organization and those whom we have been introduced. More importantly the introduction will result in an upside for our clients as a result of Joseph initiating a new partnership and collaborative forum. The collaboration will drive value to the clients in support of their specific aspirations and intentions to communicate to their audiences.
The idea around Earl Nightingales “Acres of Diamonds” couldn’t be more apt to describe the connections you have within the Social Utilities you build today. One has to be proactive and take or make the call to enjoy the good things from introductions online

A final note: I have Joseph’s Blog linked here “Keys 2 Business Growth” this is the highest ranking entry point of traffic to my blog. This illuminates the importance of establishing allies in the blogosphere who value and compliment your specific interests. THANKS JOSEPH!
Cross promote locally or internationally a great way to start the day.
I welcome your links and your comments. Have a great weekend!

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